IEC 61511 Functional Safety Compliance Made Simple
We enable efficient and cost effective creation of IEC 61511 compliance documentation (SIL Calc, SRS, C&E, Test Plans, SIF List).
Functional Safety Compliance
•IEC 61511 Compliance Made Simple
•Rapidly create SIL Calcs and SRS Datasheets from templates or existing SIFs/IPLs
•Revision control allows users to track data that has been edited, checked, approved and issued
•Provides central storage of all protection layer data across an enterprise
Expert System for SIS
•Save manhours and drive consistency on SIF/IPL designs
•Leverage our Expert System to rapidly create SIL Calcs, SRS, C&E, and Test Plans from templates or existing SIFs / IPLs
•Templatize an entire process unit
Advanced Reporting
•Over 170 canned reports
•Autogenerated SIF List / SIL Verification Report
•SIL Calc Status report provides pass/fail criteria based on target and achieved
•Four SRS Datasheet formats to pick from
•Bulk generation / printing of SIL Verification and SRS Datasheets
Templates and Libraries
•Leverage the Quick Start Library to reduce rollout cost
•Includes a robust failure rate library, 8 SIF Templates, 5 IPL templates, and 1 Unit Operation Template
•Quickly and efficiently begin executing work
Bulk Data Management
•Never pay to type data twice
•Easily bulk insert data from any 3rd party source
•Edit and manipulate multiple records at once
•Patented real world model streamlines SIS engineering
Unlimited Users
• Only pay for what you need
•Simple size based licensing allows you to grow as you go
•Mix and match only the modules you need
•Short duration based licensing available for capital projects
•Simultaneous users all working at once
Embedded and Easy-To-Use

Design SIFs quickly and easily with aeShield ®. When aeShield is coupled with our Quick Start Library ™, you can hit the ground running with a generic set of equipment definitions including failure rate data. Additionally, common SIF templates are provided for immediate instantiation making SIL calculations simple.
SIL calculations are made simple and lifecycle-enabled while ensuring IEC 61511 / ISA 84 compliance by:
- LOPA Targets from aeFacilitator ® or External Imports
- Easy SIF Library Creation via Quick Start Library
- Promote Existing SIFs to Library
- Create SIFs from Library or Existing SIF
- Package IPLs into Equipment Under Control
- Reuse or Clone any Level of SIF Architecture
- Robustness: Multiple Layers of Voting, and Common Cause Factors | Partial Stroke Testing | Multiple Logic Solvers | Accounts for Architectural Constraints
- Calculate PFDavg | MTTFs | STR for Entire SIF, Inputs, Logic Solver(s), and Outputs
- Simultaneous Sensitivity Analysis on Multiple SIFs
- Integrate with (single place for data entry):
- Safety Requirements Specification
- Design Verification Report
- Functional Test Procedures
- Cause & Effect Intersections
- Manually Enter Calcs at any Level of SIF Architecture
- Manage Multiple Failure Rate Data Sets
- Attach External Drawings and Make Comments
- Manage User Permissions for Approval Process
- Real-time SIL Calculations based on Testing Records
- Rigorous Testing and Quality Control on Algorithms per Voting Combinations and MoCs when Required