aeShield Products
aeShield for Operations and Maintenance
This course will teach Operations and Maintenance staff a working knowledge and understanding of aeShield and how it will be used in their work. Key areas of focus for this training session include Cause and Effects and Test Plans. Trainees will learn how to build, maintain, and edit essential data within aeShield.
- Real world model: Key Terms for aeShield, Safety lifecycle deliverables & reports
- Bulk Editors
- Data Entry Workflow
- Building a simple Cause and Effect
- Adding a new high pressure function to an existing Cause and Effect
- Cause and Effect Bulk Editor
- Redline Editing Pitfalls
- Complex editing issues
- Redline data edit activity
Test Plan Generation
- Test Plan generations
- Test Plan preferences
- Test Plan maintenance
- Test Plan edits
- Historian Gathered Event Classification
- Configuring, Planning, and Scheduling Test Routes
- Recording Test Results
- Demand Analyzer
- Bypass Analyzer - Time in Bypass
- On-time testing
- Failure Counts
aeShield PHA / LOPA
aeShield SIL Verification
Test Plans
aeShield Dashboards
Locations / projects / Permissions
Project logos
Web Editor & Reports
PHA LOPA Narrative Reports
Design (SIL Calcs) & Specification (SRS)
SIF Editor, Datasheet, IEC 61511 compliance
SRS and Verification Narrative Reports
IPL Editor & Datasheet
Templates & EUC (Equipment Under Control)
Cause & Effects
C&E Matrix Design
Funtional Test Plans
Test Plan Design
Maintenance Tools
Test Results
Failure Data Collection
Event Tracking
Historian Integration
Health Meter